IT'S VERY VISUAL AND FUN, IT'S LIGHTWEIGHT AND EASY TO PERFORM It's a new adaptation to the classic game of color-changing CDs. The same game has several magical contributions that have not been seen until now. Burnt Donut consists of 2 sets the magic oven and a donut kit. The magician places the raw donuts in the oven and by the magician's carelessness they all get burned. The magician tastes one of the burnt donuts by taking a bite. But since he doesn't like it, he magically recomposes it. Finally the magician solves the problem with magic and transforms all the burnt donuts into donuts of 3 color flavors, new magical contributions. 1. A raw donut is burned in an oven due to the careless magician 2. (the oven can be used in any other magic routine) it has a magic effect that produces fire at the magician's decision. 3. Bitten and recomposed donut 4-3 donut color changes 4. THE ROUTINE CAN BE PERFORMED IN TWO VERSIONS WITH ONE DONUT OR WITH 3 DONUTS
BURNT DONUTS (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Mago Flash
SKU: 00180313